Faster claim settlement under Fasal Bima Yojana stressed

Faster claim settlement under Fasal Bima Yojana stressed

Bhubaneswar: The First Meeting of State Level Insurance Committee (SLIC) chaired by Development Commissioner cum Additional Chief Secretary to Government Anu Garg stressed on faster claim settlement under PM Fasal Bima Yojana.

She urged SLIC to function as a tripartite institutional mechanism involving the Regulator (Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India), State Government and the Insurance companies and to set a gold standard in the insurance sector as SLBC is in the banking sector. The SLIC as a forum will assess the insurance coverage of the State and suggest measures to deepen the insurance penetration to achieve the goal Insurance for All by 2036.

The Committee noted this seriously and instructed the concerned insurance companies to settle all claims on top priority.  Smt. Garg further advised all insurance companies to ensure ease of insurance for common masses, devising affordable insurance products, bridging the trust deficit between insurer and insuree, simplifying the procedure by using technology driven platform, AI based mechanism for quick and maximum claim settlement and a robust grievance redressal mechanism to strengthen insurance eco system of the State. 

The Committee decided out of the four lead insurers appointed by IRDAI for the State like Bharti Axa Life, Shriram General Insurance, LIC of India and Zurich Kotak General Insurance, Life Insurance Corporation to be the nodal lead insurance company for SLIC. The committee also suggested to constitute relevant sub committees to address the issues pertaining to various sectoral insurance like Life, Crop, Motor, Health etc.

Member Secretary, IRDAI, Shri Satyajit Tripathy; Chairman, LIC, Shri Siddhartha Mohanty; Regional Director, RBI, Shri S.P. Mohanty; MD cum CEOs of 4 Lead Insurers, Shri M. Jagannath, LIC; Shri Parag Raja, Bharti Axa Life Ltd; Shri Anil Kumar Agarwal, Shriram General Insurance Ltd; Shri Alok Kumar Agarwal, Zurich Kotak General Insurance Ltd, Pr. Secretary, Finance, Shri. Saswat Mishra, Pr Secretary, DAFE, Dr Arabinda Kumar Padhee, Commissioner-cum-Secretary Smt Guha Poonam Tapas Kumar ; Secretaries and Senior officials of State Government and Director, Institutional Finance, Dr. Pragyansmita Sahoo were present in the meeting.
