Odisha Govt. seeks feedback to finalise IT Policy

Bhubaneswar: Odisha Government’s Electronics and Information Technology (E&IT) Department organized a joint discussion session with NASSCOM at a private hotel here on Friday.

Speaking during the event, E&IT Minister Dr Mukesh Mahaling said, “Odisha’s IT industry is rapidly growing, and the Government is committed to support this growth. Further, the Government wants to support the industry in its R&D efforts, and will set-up dedicated Centres of Excellence (CoEs) as part of this endeavor. We will also set up a CoE with senior industry leaders and distinguished academics to provide guidance to the Government on its IT initiatives.”

Vishal Dev, Principal Secretary, E&IT Department, said “State Government’s objective is to build a future-ready IT industry in Odisha. The upcoming IT Policy provides a competitive and comprehensive set of incentives and will strengthen Odisha’s position in the digital economy. The policy encompasses a range of areas, from IT infrastructure and skill-development to sustainability and R&D.”

The draft policy document has been uploaded on the websites of the E&IT Department (https://it.odisha.gov.in/) and Odisha Computer Application Centre (https://www.ocac.in/) to seek public feedback which can be shared at ifitp.eit@odisha.gov.in

A comprehensive presentation on the draft of the upcoming IT Policy was delivered during the event, highlighting its key features and proposed incentives aimed at fostering industry growth. This was followed by an interactive Q&A session, where officials from the Electronics & Information Technology (E&IT) Department provided detailed responses to the queries raised by industry representatives. The session also served as a platform for gathering valuable feedback, as stakeholders shared insightful suggestions and practical inputs, which were duly noted for consideration in the finalization of the policy.

Special Secretary of E&IT Deptt. Shri Manas Panda; CEO Odisha Computer Application Centre (OCAC) Dr. Pradeep Raut, attended the event along with representatives from NASSCOM and Odisha’s IT industry. The session was organized to seek industry feedback on the state’s upcoming IT Policy.