Huge quantity of toxic chemical colour seized in Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: A huge quantity of hazardous chemical colours was seized by the police during raids at different shops on Monday ahead of Holi festival in Bhubaneswar.

The special team of the Commissionerate Police carried out the raids at different shops in Unit-4 areas to ensure safe Holi celebration on Monday and seized a huge quantity of hazardous and chemical colours being sold by the shop keepers.

Apart from seizing the chemical colours, the police are also imposing fines on the shopkeepers for selling the banned materials. The shop keepers are also being advised to sell only organic or herbal colours.

The surprise raids of the police, which started from Sunday, are expected to continue till Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the Commissionerate police has made elaborate security arrangements to maintain law and order during the festivity.

Police has decided to set up static posts at 31 locations and deploy 15 platoons of police forces across the State Capital city in order to keep eye on the wrongdoers during the celebration.

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